Thursday, September 22, 2005

I Will Never Live Until Someone Sees Me...

I will never live until someone sees me, the real me. If I hide who I am all of my life then I will be limited
to a solitary pain I could have escaped, if only I had revealed it's true contents to someone else. First Jesus, then someone
I trust...and then, in time, a new way to live in a freedom that has always been waiting for me ...Freedom is best as a state of my heart, not my country. The Irish playwright George Bernhard Shaw said, " Patriotism is your belief that your country is best because you were born in it " So true...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Darkest before The dawn...

Yeah, when I was a kid my dad would look at me when I was down and say, " Hey , things are darkest before the dawn "
meaning that the sun does come up again after a difficult night. Sometimes that night is a series of nights, many of them. But the reality of his words are still true . I can think of some people who are wandering, worrying, waking up through these nights right now . But they too will know the warmth of a new dawn in their lives as well. It always seems that before the better phases of our lives, there are some tough things we have to do and go through...Then after those times, the beauty of the coming sunsets is a portent of nights that are then calm, nurturing, and finally... a refuge.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Everyone changes through time, circumstances, relationships and events. I have noticed that there is a tendancy to
lose touch with people ( when it's a choice ) because of the nature of the transition, not the people. I believe that's a mistake.
I know, because I've made it. People tend to have more to offer through changes they've experienced than a life lived in emotional seclusion. Of course all changes are not positive, but refusing to judge, keeping in touch, and in friendship simply indicates that you are there, and will be there for them regardless of their changes in life. I need to look around and make sure that I can still hear my own words when you are making some kind of transition in your life...

Monday, September 05, 2005


You enjoy life, humor, and being exuberant. Wherever you go you usually find yourself stealing the spotlight without even trying. You love to let go and have fun.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

You are someone who will fight for lost or forgotten causes . The oppressed are more important to you than the impressed. You believe that no matter how long it takes, Hope and compassion will win out in the end.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Future...

" Your greatest truth from God this week could be found in the Springs Pub ." " You need to go for coffee with that gay guy you know." " Recently divorced people should be able to date other people and feel welcome in the chair beside you at church ..." My generation has a terrible cultural hangover that comes from too many evangelists in white shoes and cadillacs " God gave them " and so we feel a need to say and do ( what we think) are outrageous things. Many Gen. Y Christian kids I talk to would look at my first three statements and say " yeah, no big deal, so what's your point ? " The point is that I have noticed that there is a vested interest in other groups of people from my generation perpetuating an old "cultural christianity" that is being driven into many Christian kids today. ie. " Vote Conservative because it is the only Christian alternative. Non-drinking as a doctrinal obligation rather than a well thought-out choice. Private Christian schools as the "best" first choice for teenagers."... The amazing part of this generation of youth is that in the midst of their rebellion against this neo-conservative crew, they remain Christian in their world-view and personal faith.
In the end they will carry the day, not just because they are young, but because they have abandoned the " culture" but not their faith in Christ. My generation abandoned the whole package at times and then were returned to the fold. Yes we blazed some new trails in the Christian context as part of the rebellious youth of the 60's and 70's, but this new crew of youth has made the mighty halls of worship look very jaded. They are in your face, they refuse to accept Christian cultural cliches, and best of all they don't go away ( like we used to ) they stay and fight for the Jesus they accepted, not the one some others have dressed up far too much... As for me; I vote NDP, I love a cold beer on a hot day, and I enjoyed having coffee and discussion with a gay friend of mine last week...My kids read this and say, " Yeah ? so what, cut the fashion statement and find out where Jesus fits in all of it." ...I believe our future is in very good hands...