Life In a Box...
If we live our lives in a box, it will be easier. Don't get involved.
Don't bother with people who are street people, Trailer Trash families,
Gay youth, Marginalised poor, Alternative kids, Tourettes, Mentally Ill adults, kids, and the entretched Celtic poor of this community. Walk by , live our lives. There must be somebody out there who does the "care thing" with them or at least shows compassion on some level.
Sorry, I'm not talking about aboriginal communities because the programs, counsellors, youth care workers ,and money that is available is finally there in high frequency due to the saturation of guilt we feel as Canadians because of residential schools that is lacking for the other groups I've mentioned.
Here's a newsflash for everyone. There is a Celtic demographic cohort in my town that is replete with poor, academically disadvantaged kids that has no special funding, no targeted help and a sense that "they" will always be with us. If I begin to use Surnames , you would know the families of whom I speak.
Yet , in all of this they survive, just as their ancesters did so long ago in their homelands, despite the predation of Vikings, the English, famine (half the population decimated) and finally the reception in this gracious land:
" Irish beggars are to be met everywhere, and they are as ignorant and vicious as they are poor. They are lazy, improvident and unthankful; they fill our poorhouses and our prisons, and are as brutish in their superstition as Hindoos."
George Brown, Toronto Globe, 1851
There is a school yard in Toronto that has the graves of many irish men, women, and children under the asphalt that the children play on regardless of the families buried underneath. Sacred graveyard? Nope. Just more diseased Irish bastards best forgotten, just like my community, generations of Celtic welfare poor...remember, everyone matters , this is Canada.
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