Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Chameleon...part 3

His first weapon is zeal. Zeal is unassailable. It makes all of us examine ourselves without examining the author.
For the chameleon, forgiveness is a cliche. it must be dramatic and forward-looking. The process of forgiveness for the chameleon is very short, but the freedom to re-experience the continuous romance with the elation/brokeness of sin is lifelong. Guard yourselves. This singular human movement is appealing and asks to be rescued and followed at the same time...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Rememberance Day : One Story...

He volunteered to fight in 1939. As a young Christian, the idea of being involved in combat sat a little lighter on his shoulders when he began to believe the stories about what the Facists in Japan and Germany wanted to do to those deemed unfit and unworthy to live: Jews, Chinese, Parapalegics, the mentally ill, and any and all who stood up to the oppression that was sweeping across much of Europe and Asia like wildfire. The world was literally going to Hell for a generation of young people who knew there was no other way to respond. He was sent to Burma and India for four years of combat. this was not Vietnam. There was no chopper to carry you back to base. The enemy was more numerous and better equipped. He once said " we canoed into the jungle and two years later we canoed out. " He caught dysentry, malaria, and a host of other parasites.
He said that everything in the jungle wanted to crawl up your backside and turn you into a meal... Today, we eat, we entertain, we live, and we love amidst a democracy that we hardly even notice. But we are all condemned to the worst kind of selfishness and ignorance if we can't give that generation one day or even one minute of one day every year to thank them for forfeiting their youth so that we could prosper, love, and worship freely . What happened to the young man ?
My father died at the age of 65 when I was 28 of complications from that war. He never knew my children or those of my younger brother, but when I look at those children , I whisper a prayer of thanks for that young man who volunteered to forfeit his youth for ours in 1939.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Chameleon...part 2

He seeks those in authority...people in positions of influence...grooming the naive.
Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Chameleon...

Who is the " chameleon " ? You will find him in the fringes of the temple. He can change his colours without consequence. He moves into lives and they welcome him. Seeing him as a victim of circumstance, he will follow up with brilliant form...but not substance. He should be accepted and loved... yes...but embraced ? Be careful. The lawyers of his heart and his tears are women with their secret eyes that betray wishes for him never to be revealed...Politics, Religion, Community...beware the chameleon.

Inspired by
S. Blake & O. Wilde