Saturday, April 07, 2007


No wants to be the source of change . We want everyone else to create change around us so that we are victims.
Then we get to be overcomers, garner sympathy , and take little or no responsibility for the change.
Of course life experience tells us otherwise . In the long run , most people begin to realise that everyone tied to a change is involved in a big change in life whether they initiated it or not . It takes courage to change . I know now that if I think that I have the motivations and reasons completely understood right away about changes people have made in their lives, then I am not listening , understanding, or frankly knowing very much at all about the real reason why change took place...

I say bravo to those who have the courage to change. The very essence of Christianity is about change , initiative , and taking responsibilty for those changes. The Bible seems to say very little about waiting for life to happen to you. Patience with God ? Yes. Allowing the waves of life circumstance to be our master ? No...unless we are looking for some short term sympathy and emotional charity until everyone figures out that we are avoiding change. Then we are simply maintaining the dysfunctional status quo in our lives .

May God grant all of us the courage to change in his time instead of waiting for circumstance to dictate all of our lives until we are back in the soil .