Monday, June 15, 2009

God's Subtlety...

Have you ever been in a place where Love and comfort is screaming at you and you can't hear it?...A place where it's sunny outside , but you can't feel it or see it? ...but then it begins. It is not an overwhelming moment to be sure, but simply a subtle move, a twinge perhaps that says; "It's going to be alright." There are waves that still occur, but something is moving in your heart and mind and the Almighty once again is saying;

"I will believe in you especially in those moments when you don't believe in yourself."
THAT is how He loves us...

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Turning Points...

Life is full of turning points: marriage, babies, being a parent, death of our parents. Many of us carry on as if life will go on forever. It doesn't. 228 souls perished this week aboard a French airliner. They had hopes, dreams, families and they faded into the ether. A friend of mine, Gary, used to run with the rest of my hobbled middle aged team in the Haney To Harrison Relay. He died of esophagal cancer last year at 58 years of age. I remember running (badly) a 5 km. in honour of Gary's memory last year.
The message is this: We only have so much time on this terrestrial ball.
Many talk alot about sucking all the marrow out of life all that you can.
Yes, in one sense...
In that time and span though, who is being hurt, embittered, damaged
by the way we have lived our lives while we were "sucking the marrow"?
The God I know, sees all, knows all, and allows us to make mistakes, have accidents, love and be loved. Bad things happen to Good people.

I need to accept that fact and possibility in my life.I cannot look after everyone,
but I can take the life I have been given in the midst of possibility and prayer and do His will...