Tuesday, January 27, 2009


“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.”

Mother Theresa

Being lonely has little to do with how many are in the same room or the number of friends we have.
We are living in a sea of lonely people. Due to social convention, and the need for some kind of conversational conformity that we all live by, these people are hard to spot.
They are quiet, they are outgoing, they are married, and they are not married, they are men and they are women.

You will not see it in the span of a day unless, you spend that day looking for it.
If you take that time and energy, you will see it in others.

It is someone who is part of a group listening to a joke or a story and if you watch them, you will see it. It is a quick looking away or a glance downward.
It might come across in a smile that is tinged with melancholy. It could be a call you receive from a friend that seems to be simply filling a gap of time, when in fact, it is really a search to open up or a search for something more.
It is a question in your mind about something that someone said that grips you later in the day and you wonder what they were really trying to say.

Those are lonely people. Some talk too little, some talk too much.
In time, if you wish, you will spot them. If you are a lonely person, it's much easier...


Blogger 2sunset said...

You will never be truly alone, my friend!

2:15 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

Loneliness is the first thing which God's eye named, not good.
John Milton

9:49 AM  

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