Wednesday, March 26, 2008

There is a Moment...

" Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. "

M.A. Radmacher

In the history of everyone's life, there is a moment. This moment is when against all odds we turn to face the " Dragon " that seeks to destroy us. It is as simple as the addict who says no more and looks to pay the price to become clean or as riveting as Mikhail Gorbachev who gave up the privileges of power to turn and break up the Soviet Empire to create the seeds of democracy and self-determination in Eastern Europe.
In all of our lives there are a series of moments where we do the contrary thing, the thing that does not flow, the thing that exacts a price for justice that is personal or corporate. I do not pray for my children that they are rich, famous, popular, or excel on a national stage of any kind , but that they, in that moment turn and face the "Dragon" in their lives...

Monday, March 24, 2008


Martyrdom... is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.

G.B. Shaw

This was never more true than today. Suicide bombers killing and taking as many people with them as possible. Families being promised support and food, money after they are gone from blowing themselves up and taking as many other innocents of their own communities with them . In many articles and pieces of literature in the United States and Canada, this practice is condemned as are these people, but we created them due to our complicity with American foreign policy which has had a direct impact on the creation of these suicide bombers. Their religious extremism is fueled by the folly of the invasion of Iraq and it now spills over into Afghanistan. It is interesting to note that in a previous existence, the Taleban did not engage in suicide bombing. Some would say they engaged in suicide combat, but it was never their miitary methodology to blow themselves up. This comes from the seeds of American Military adventures that have thrown western excess in the face of Muslims, with no plan to truly rebuild with the respect of local input in place. Many people wrongly surmised years ago that when Anwar Sadat was assasinated that the opposition to middle east peace was too much to handle. Few people understood it as an act of desperation. It was. The quiet we see in Iraq right now is not now due to the "surge" of American forces, it is the local Sunni leadership taking charge of the mess made by Al Queada. ( the locals see them as religious anarchists ).
Jesus Christ was not a Martyr because he is alive today. The tomb is empty. Our responsibility as Christians is not to rush in as many people as possible to evangelise the people of the middle east. Our responsibility is to pressure the United States to withdraw from Iraq and pour as much money, diplomacy and effort to help Palestinians out of poverty, place pressure on Israel for a true Palestinian homeland. When has any of this ever worked ? Belfast. Check it out. Arms supplies have been cut-off from the United States . Wealth from the Republic to the south is spilling over.
The economic miracle to the south is The Republic of Ireland . It is the second richest country per capita in Europe after Luxemburg. Free post-secondary education for everyone. Why do the Taleban target schools ? Because they know that it is , for good or bad, the best propoganda device in existence. It is the way out , the way of change, the creation of a new cadre of women in that country who will change it. Pour money into free education at a high level for Palestinians and many peoples of the middle east . Base your assault on education , ways out of poverty, economic support instead of billions of dollars for Military operations. These people will then not return to our shores as bombers but , consultants, immigrants, and neighbors.
I'm a dreamer ? Perhaps . Ask yourself how well the other strategy has been working...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Bad Dog Boycott: Free Methodism ?

The boycott wil only hurt those who exercise it. While pastors from many churches in town enjoy the fruits of lively debate there, the boycotters must drive by everyday and make a decision to reject , dislike or perhaps even hate.
It is a road that leads to God-like proportions that no one can carry on their shoulders. To exist is not a thorn for the Dog, but to decide everyday to reject that existence takes energy , judgement, and self-righteous pandering..all of "that" is a thorn...
In the long and proud history of the Free Methodist church there was a rejection of slavery, rejection of the wealthy ruling in church, rejection of any and all secret societies, an advocation of women leading, ( long before many others ) and a sense that Wesley left the pulpit of the High Church to reach the common man , the poor, the homeless: the very people who are served at both the Bad Dog Grill and New Heights Community Church. This "campaign" to boycott the Bad Dog Grill has it's origin in people who no longer have any connection to the local Free Methodist church, but simply a personal anger cloaked under the guise of demands for Public Confessions and Mea Culpa's to, in fact, satisfy a sense of personal betrayal ...Do not be fooled.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Scott Williams is my friend. I love him. His children are my children. My children are his. He, like me, is flawed.
I will continue to choose his friendship. It has alot to do with his heart and it's relentless nature.
I am proud to have him as a friend. He was there for me when my children were in crisis.
He was there for me when my mind took a long walk. I was there for him when his mind took it's own holiday.
THAT is what friends do. Have I screwed up in my life ? hmmmmmmm....yes, I have. Has Scott ? Have you ?
Should I require of you that by MY measure you should shame and humiliate yourself , so that you can breath the same air and I can be associated with you? If you wont do this perhaps I should take your friends away from you and isolate you until my bitterness is assuaged with the satisfaction of your loneliness. No. Playing God is a big gig. Are those who play God ready to tackle all of the other shit that the world doles out ? I think not. The very portion of me that would say I cannot keep my friends company, will condemn me to a life that has no room for forgiveness...only conditions for everything.

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Mother Theresa