He's Got Your Back...
In March 2002 a squad of American Paratroops had just landed by helicopter in front of an Al Quaeda stronghold in the mountains of Afghanistan. As his squad landed, the lead officer's heart filled with a sense of horror as he came to the stark realisation that it was a trap and his troops were about to become slaughtered. Fire rained down on them immediately from all sides of their landing zone. despite the gusto and determination of his troops on landing, he knew they were completely helpless... Just as suddenly, the Al Queada forces began dropping all around his squad. With no apparent noise or report from their own weapons the Americans began to see the enemy simply fall over on all sides. From an impossible distance of over 2 kilometres, a four man squad of Canadian snipers were dropping the enemy as they began attacking. Official reports suggest that over 20 Al Queda guerillas were killed by the Canadian Snipers before they withdrew back into their lairs. The American Military tried to give the Canadians medals for bravery for saving their lives, but they were refused. "We were simply doing our job", was the reply.
So often in my life I have asked God "why certain circumstances in my life were taking place?",
"Why does it feel as if their is no reason to hope?" " How can I escape being trapped on all sides?" Yet, in strange ways ( in retrospect ) God has got my back. He builds in new positive relationships. He covered me and I didn't even know it was taking place. Later in a time of thankfulness and even tears at times I speak to God with some sense of amazement and he tells me that " This is what I'm doing all of the time, Mark, I'm simply doing my job: I've got your back"
In March 2002 a squad of American Paratroops had just landed by helicopter in front of an Al Quaeda stronghold in the mountains of Afghanistan. As his squad landed, the lead officer's heart filled with a sense of horror as he came to the stark realisation that it was a trap and his troops were about to become slaughtered. Fire rained down on them immediately from all sides of their landing zone. despite the gusto and determination of his troops on landing, he knew they were completely helpless... Just as suddenly, the Al Queada forces began dropping all around his squad. With no apparent noise or report from their own weapons the Americans began to see the enemy simply fall over on all sides. From an impossible distance of over 2 kilometres, a four man squad of Canadian snipers were dropping the enemy as they began attacking. Official reports suggest that over 20 Al Queda guerillas were killed by the Canadian Snipers before they withdrew back into their lairs. The American Military tried to give the Canadians medals for bravery for saving their lives, but they were refused. "We were simply doing our job", was the reply.
So often in my life I have asked God "why certain circumstances in my life were taking place?",
"Why does it feel as if their is no reason to hope?" " How can I escape being trapped on all sides?" Yet, in strange ways ( in retrospect ) God has got my back. He builds in new positive relationships. He covered me and I didn't even know it was taking place. Later in a time of thankfulness and even tears at times I speak to God with some sense of amazement and he tells me that " This is what I'm doing all of the time, Mark, I'm simply doing my job: I've got your back"