Friday, October 28, 2005

He's Got Your Back...

In March 2002 a squad of American Paratroops had just landed by helicopter in front of an Al Quaeda stronghold in the mountains of Afghanistan. As his squad landed, the lead officer's heart filled with a sense of horror as he came to the stark realisation that it was a trap and his troops were about to become slaughtered. Fire rained down on them immediately from all sides of their landing zone. despite the gusto and determination of his troops on landing, he knew they were completely helpless... Just as suddenly, the Al Queada forces began dropping all around his squad. With no apparent noise or report from their own weapons the Americans began to see the enemy simply fall over on all sides. From an impossible distance of over 2 kilometres, a four man squad of Canadian snipers were dropping the enemy as they began attacking. Official reports suggest that over 20 Al Queda guerillas were killed by the Canadian Snipers before they withdrew back into their lairs. The American Military tried to give the Canadians medals for bravery for saving their lives, but they were refused. "We were simply doing our job", was the reply.
So often in my life I have asked God "why certain circumstances in my life were taking place?",
"Why does it feel as if their is no reason to hope?" " How can I escape being trapped on all sides?" Yet, in strange ways ( in retrospect ) God has got my back. He builds in new positive relationships. He covered me and I didn't even know it was taking place. Later in a time of thankfulness and even tears at times I speak to God with some sense of amazement and he tells me that " This is what I'm doing all of the time, Mark, I'm simply doing my job: I've got your back"

Friday, October 14, 2005

Hope is close at hand...

I know someone who is in a difficult transition. This is a person who, like myself, sees the world as an opportunity for children, adults, almost anyone becoming rich ( in the truest sense ) for bringing a different viewpoint or story into a room. This person loves to entertain any social thought or idea that throws a wrench into the "North American monetary cultural rut" that tells us all how we should eat, dress, talk and, yes... think. This person is doomed like myself to forever vote NDP mostly. This is not because like myself, I have a grandfather who was a charter member of the CCF ( early NDP ). This individual sees the the socialists as the only political party that reveals a semblance of kindness to the least able. For this person that would be enough to start with...I have tremendous admiration and respect for the eyes and ears of this individual and how they see and hear the world. They are ears that listen closely to the ponderous stories of a small child as if the world should stop and recognize the importance of their 5 minute saga. They are eyes and ears that are willing to take a mental or physical tangent that has no connection to their most recent task just because of some spontaneous inspiration. This reflects the heart of a child...and ultimately the ability to maintain hope and faith in things unseen. And that is what will keep that person truly alive. As for me, I wil join that cause, because we must always ( as my father said ) believe that there is always hope, even when we can't feel it...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Friend ...
There is a man in Mission who is my friend. He loves volleyball. He has two great sons. He was there for me when my mind got lost and we found it again. I was part of that process in his life as well. He is my friend. What does that mean ? It means that he is my friend when he is at his best and when he is not. I would expect the same for me. It means that when his family is going through a tough time. I need to be there for him. I would expect the same for me. It means that when rumours are rampant about my friend I take him at his word. I would expect the same for me...Jesus showed me that I am always salvageable and have something to offer because of what He's done with where I've been. I would like to think all of us would allow the same grace and latitude for my friend...Do you ?