Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Wind Blows...

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.

George Bernard Shaw
Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)

Congregational Exclusivity is your conviction that your church is superior to all others because it's the only one you ever attend.

Mark Greenshields
Recently rejected blogger

At times, there are two ways to deal with people. Aesop's fable about the wind and the sun competing to get a traveler to remove his coat while walking down the road
is wonderfully clear. The wind of course blows harder and harder to blow the man's coat and perhaps the man as well off of the road. but alas the man holds on tighter still because of course he is under attack; first the hide that covers him and eventually the man himself. Perhaps he deserves this judgement...hmmmmm...who is deciding ? The sun on the other hand shines warmly, makes the man feel better about himself, perhaps even warm, cared for,and with no obligation but to become more
at peace with the world around him. As with our recent weather, where did the sun go ?
So why not quote scripture when speaking of such perceived injustice ? Simple. Too often I see scripture quoted and thrown back and forth like snow balls from petulant boys in a school yard. Holy Scripture was never intended to protect my ego or anyone elses. Mores the pity in all of this, because there is always somehwere else to blog...just not where I started.


Blogger Susan Kirchmayer said...

you weren't bumped!

6:56 PM  
Blogger mark said...

with an understanding of the nature of name templates, what happened ?

12:49 AM  

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