Sunday, January 08, 2006


People who are hurt by others are left with two choices initially. The first one is revenge.The second one is understanding. Revenge is as much an act of the heart as the body. It is easy to nurture it and feed it inside without translating it into physical action. In this way it would eventually destroy us all. Ironically, to choose understanding instead can mean that action is taken more often than revenge. True understanding results in us trying to see others as God does; imperfect, hurting themselves, looking for love and loyalty. This sense of understanding allows us to hope for, love, and appreciate the simple things again...the laughter of children, the scent of spring on a cool evening in April, and the beauty of a never-ending Sunset. As Morgan Freeman's character said in the film "The Shawshank Redemption": " Hope is not just a good thing, it is the best thing."


Blogger Sue said...

What would life and society look like if we all decided to take revenge against those who have hurt us? I think we would be surprised when we examine our own hearts how many times we have hurt others and they didn't retaliate with us. We didn't get what we deserve...

11:27 AM  

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