Tuesday, August 30, 2005

God has a Plan,Plan,Plan...

God has a plan. It is absolutely finite and we truly make no decisions... NO...He has allowed me to make mistakes,take chances, get messy ...the cult of the Magic School Bus ?... Miss Frizzel is a prophet ? Not quite. As long as it may or may not be, my life, like yours, is short. As I continue to make decisions, God shows me he's there; not so much in terms of constant approval of my behavior, ( that's a critical error of human nature ) but continuously showing me another way to go down the road. yeah it's the same road. I now see it though as Him presenting His best way, but I don't always take it. Am I then lost ? No, as I dither about, he still says " even when your faith in me is weak, I believe in you " Why ?... Love... God's cement that holds humanity together. In the depths of the loneliest place in the world, someone: a friend, a father, a mother. is showing love undeserved. Yeah? So? And somewhere else someone is suffering an underserved evil fate. The amazing thing is that in the midst of those evil places, love still shows up. I have seen it in the miracle of adult faces that shine with dignity today, despite evils that they have witnessed and experienced as children. Many have asked at the time, where was God ? He was beginning the process of salvaging a life... No, not everyone makes it. People make irreversible decisions and their lives are gone, but God's love is pervasive. For reasons only God understands, he has surrounded me with his love when I saw horrors that weakened me to the marrow. The irony is that the events that stank of destruction and evil pushed me like a giant spring towards the very God I was ignoring and I was never so happy to be embraced by Him... I still revel in that embrace from time to time...


Blogger Susan Kirchmayer said...

awesome post, mark.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

I really enjoy your blog Mr. G. it makes me think about things I never considered, or that I was wondering myself.

8:32 PM  

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