Monday, October 29, 2007

An Angry Man...

I know an angry man who will never know it's end
He longs for some justice where leaders never bend
he longs for honest belief that embraces all our poor
and not just someone's claim of land for which we all endure

I know an angry man who will never know it's end
He longs for Christian men who embrace the Gay
and Palestinian, to whom Allah's hand extends
He longs for education where third worlds can gather and learn
instead of child soldiers making women bleed and burn

I know an angry man who will never know it's end
He sees the sporting coaches turn the hopes of children into their private hell
When all that they ever wanted was to be loved for running , not running well
He longs for understanding why the status of love is measured for all to see
by family tidyiness, possessions, churches, and neighborhood popularity

I know an angry man who desires hope in a simple God
Who will allow him to put his anger to rest before his bones are turned to sod...


Blogger 2sunset said...

The Angry Man has a maginificent heart.

12:32 AM  

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